
I have never been someone who loves the idea of going back to school, but a few years ago it occurred to me that I was really stuck in a dead-end job. The work was sporadic, the management was difficult to work with, and it always seemed like I was running behind. I started looking into different schools, and one college in particular really stood out to me. The school had a long waiting list, but a great reputation for helping people to find great careers after graduation. This blog is here to help people to know how to streamline their education without spending extra time or money.

Three Ways To Help Ease A Quiet Child Into Daycare

4 October 2017
 Categories: Education & Development, Blog

Every child approaches the idea of daycare differently. Some children run from your arms on the first day, and they can't wait to play with the new toys and make new friends. Others are very quiet and apprehensive, and they struggle to adapt to the more social atmosphere of daycare. If your child falls into the latter group, you may worry that daycare is not a good experience for them. But the truth is, it can be  if you take the time to ease them into the routine of daycare rather than presenting this new change all of the sudden. Read More …

Four Reasons Your Teen Might Be Ready For Their Driver’s Permit

7 August 2017
 Categories: Education & Development, Blog

As a parent, one of the toughest choices to make is deciding whether or not you are ready to help your teen pursue their ability to get their driver's license. The first step of this would be to get their driver's permit, which will allow your child to drive with an adult in the vehicle. Here are four reasons your teen might just be ready for this: Have Emotions Under Control: During their teenage years, many children go throw stages of dealing with high levels of emotions that are not always so easy to control and manage. Read More …

What Do Montessori Learning Materials Have In Common?

19 July 2017
 Categories: Education & Development, Blog

Even though you might have heard of Montessori schools and the Montessori learning program, you might not know much about either one. One thing that you might know is that these programs include unique learning materials from those in other programs. These are some of the things that Montessori materials usually have in common. They're Hands-On First of all, the whole focus of the Montessori learning program is for children to be hands-on when they are learning. Read More …

3 Reasons Pursuing Education Online Is Going To Save You Money

19 June 2017
 Categories: Education & Development, Blog

It's no secret that going to college is extremely expensive. Many times, students come out of college in a high amount of debt, that it's so difficult to find a job that will cover the costs of paying off this debt while also paying regular living costs. That's why it's important to do what you can to pursue higher education at a cheaper price. Here are three reasons pursuing your education online can save you money: Read More …

A Guide To Classroom Observation In A Special Education Setting For The New Teacher

7 June 2017
 Categories: Education & Development, Blog

If you are new to teaching special education classes or have recently switched to teaching that challenging group of kids, it is important to be aware of the different details that you might be evaluated on when it is your turn to be observed. For instance, how well you manage the classroom and the methods with which you do so are likely to be noticed and documented. If you are nervous or a bit unsure about what to expect from the evaluation, it's a good idea to consider the following information. Read More …

About Me
Streamlining Your Education

I have never been someone who loves the idea of going back to school, but a few years ago it occurred to me that I was really stuck in a dead-end job. The work was sporadic, the management was difficult to work with, and it always seemed like I was running behind. I started looking into different schools, and one college in particular really stood out to me. The school had a long waiting list, but a great reputation for helping people to find great careers after graduation. This blog is here to help people to know how to streamline their education without spending extra time or money.
